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The Morning Glory Project

Coming from a loving, complicated, literary family, Sands Hall did not precisely fit the profile for one who would submit to a slow yet willing absorption into the Church of Scientology in the 1980s where she spent nearly a decade. In her candid and nuanced memoir, Reclaiming My Decade Lost in Scientology, Sands shares her spiritual and artistic journey both during and after her years in what has since been called a “cult”.  How has she found meaning and purpose rather than ruminating in regret? And what are the lessons she took from her experience? That’s what we learn in conversation with her.  This memoir is a finalist for the Northern California Book Awards and Publishers Weekly Best Book in Religion and Spirituality. She is also the author of the novel, Catching Heaven and in non-fiction, Tools of The Writers Craft. Sands teaches for the Iowa Summer Writing Festival and the Community of Writers, Squaw Valley. She performs widely as a singer/songwriter and theater artist.   

Find Sands here:

Find her book, Reclaiming My Decade Lost in Scientology, at your local, independent bookstore or on Amazon.

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