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The Morning Glory Project

Julie Barton is the New York Times Bestselling author of Dog Medicine, How My Dog Saved Me From Myself. Julie’s story is not your average dog story; rather, it’s the story of learning to live through and live with depression by learning a different kind of self-talk. It’s also a story of a loving, but flawed family. The memoir was initially published by a micro-press called Think Piece Publishing in 2015. It was then bought by Penguin Books and re-published in 2016. Dog Medicine has now been translated into eight languages and is available worldwide. Dog Medicine was the recipient of a silver Nautilus Award for its “exceptional literary contributions to spiritual growth, high-level wellness, and positive social change.” Julie has two masters degrees that she got in an effort to justify leaving a marketing job where she spent all day in a cubicle, but made good money. She is originally from Ohio and dreams of returning to the buckeye state someday to buy a big white farmhouse with a red barn that she could convert into an animal shelter. Until then, she lives in the East Bay with her husband, two daughters, two dogs, one cat, and one guinea pig. She’s currently teaching and working on her second book, also a memoir, and learning to write while welcoming a new puppy into the family. 

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