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The Morning Glory Project

Nina G bills herself as “The San Francisco Bay Area’s Only Female Stuttering Comedian.” On stage, she encounters the occasional heckler, but off stage she is often confronted with people’s comments toward her stuttering; listeners completing her sentences, inquiring, “Did you forget your name?” and giving unwanted advice like “slow down and breathe” are common. (As if she never thought about slowing down and breathing in her over thirty years of stuttering!)

She co-produced the Comedians with Disabilities Act, a national touring comedy show featuring exclusively comedians with disabilities. She tours the country as a conference keynote speaker including at a TEDx talk at San Jose State University and is a Huffington Post contributor. 

Throughout the quarantine she has charged forth in comedy hosting a weekly Zoom show where “Comedians Show ‘n Tell,” her own video series, “Comedy Time Capsule” where she collects and archives experiences of stand up comedians as well as headlining shows across the Internet and beyond.

Her memoir is Stutterer Interrupted The Comedian Who Almost Didn’t Happen By Nina G (August 6, 2019)

Socials Media Contacts:

Twitter and IG: @ninagcomedian
YouTube: @ninagcomic

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