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The Morning Glory Project

If you went by outward appearances only, your first glance of Sara Connell would give you the impression that she is, and has always been on top of the world. With equal parts perky and powerful, Sara is an inspiration to her coaching clients and to her massive community of followers infusing hope, encouraging perseverance, and cheerleading for creatives of all types.  As a leadership coach, author, and advocate for writers and thought leaders, Sara’s energy, optimism, and general hopefulness is contagious. It’s in conversation with Sara that you learn that this optimism, hope, and energy are born of what she herself has endured: a long struggle with infertility, multiple losses of yet-to-be-born children, and a most extraordinary and unlikely journey to having her son. Sara’s story of love’s generosity can be found in her memoir, Bringing In Finn. Her story is so exceptional that she and her family were welcomed on national media such as The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Today Show, and many more.  What strikes most is that though Sara’s journey to becoming a mother is an exceptional one, her methods for coping with loss and dealing with paralyzing grief are surprisingly ordinary and accessible to us all.   

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Find Sara here:

Find her book, Bringing in Finn at your local, independent bookstore or Amazon or Barnes & Noble.